
Monday, April 14, 2008


Tips On Making Money From Home Work: It's Too Good to be True!

Yes... the Guys who Earn
More Money in a Month than most people earn in a year,
Are Going to Work for YOU
Full Time!
With our brand new "Earn While You Learn" marketing system, even beginners are successful.

People who have never made money on the internet are making thousands of dollars using our secret marketing weapon!

Remember those lucky people who manage to get lucky? That’s us! We’re rich! That’s not a boast - it’s just a fact. And guess what? If You’re one of the Few Smart Team Players we’re looking for…

Because as you’ll see when you read on...

How? You already know some people are lucky enough to Get Rich from the Internet - that’s not big news. So how come we’re pointing at ourselves and jumping up and down? Well, the answer is simple. We’re not rich just because we’re lucky. We’re rich because we got smart. In fact, we’re just two average guys with the patience to sit down and learn how to make the internet work!

You probably think we’re gonna promise to share our “marketing secrets” with you, right? Nope…we’ll do that for free, right now: Ready?

We already know how to market and flood websites with traffic. There is no guessing or beating your head against the wall. All you need to do is plug into system that flat out works. Stop jumping from opportunity to opportunity. That never works because you still have not been trained properly and all your doing is wasting money time and time again.We show you what to do live!

So, if there’s no secret to sell, and getting rich is just hard work and some smarts, how are we going to help YOU get rich? Brace Yourself for an industry first:

“Huh? What does that mean?”

This opportunity is something completely different! We’re going to do all your work for you!

“Yeah right,” You’re thinking, “heard it all before.” And you’re right…when someone makes a promise like that, You’d better be sure they know what they’re talking about, because words are cheap. So who are we?

Dave was working retail for hourly wages of less than $2000 a month – not even enough to pay his bills. In fact, in 2001 he had to declare bankruptcy! Rob was in corporate sales and training: hiring, firing, recruiting, and training, but he wasn’t getting ahead working for someone else either. What both of us wanted was to run our own show. Sound like You?

We make an average of $4000 every single day! Just to prove it, here’s are some sample day's totals directly to our merchant account and PayPal accounts.

We’re just two average shmucks who kept banging our heads against the wall until we figured out why it’s always the other guy who gets rich.

At first we felt stupid, but then we got Smart!

In fact, we spent 8 years and a lot of money banging our heads against walls and feeling stupid! Did we feel like it was hopeless? You bet! But instead of just giving up, we learned how those ‘other’ people got rich selling online!

Remember the reason you’re reading this? Because you know some people Get Rich, Right? Well, why shouldn’t You be one of them? Is there some reason You shouldn’t be one of the “lucky” ones? If there is, now is the time to stop reading, because everything you’ll read from here on in is only for winners.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a single mother or a CEO. Maybe you’re in vacuum cleaner sales or working in a car wash. You might not even have a job right now, and none of that matters. What matters is that you want to succeed like those other people who already have. That’s what matters. That’s ALL that matters!

“Well, if that’s true, why doesn’t everyone who wants to succeed just do it?”

Great question. Because even the smartest mechanic in the world can’t fix a car without the right know-how and tools. Heck, you can’t even sweep a floor if you don’t have a broom! That’s the reason so many people fail…they may have the drive, but if they don’t know what they’re doing and they don’t have the right tools, then signing up to an internet program is like trying to build a race car before you’ve invented the wheel.

If you have that drive, we’ll give you Exactly the Right Tools and all the support and knowledge you need to Succeed beyond your Wildest Dreams!

"Hi Dave I've been in a ton of opportunities that promised me the world. I never made a dime. I decided to give it one last go round and have you close my sales. The first seminar I went to I had 3 people join and I made over $3000! Nothing works like this and I've tried them all".

~Jenni, Indiana

We Had to Come Up With A Bullet Proof System to Help People Succeed.
Earn While You Learn Was Developed From:

17 Months of Research
$38,000 Spent on Research/Development
60 Days off Making Sure it was Bulletproof

And don't forget the following date, in which we will close your sales for you. See below
This is Not MLM
What This Is, And What It's Not
Why Are You Closing My Sales?
The "What's Next" Syndrome

How can you possibly beat this one of a kind deal? Where else are you going to find a money-making machine that actually Does All the Work For You? And not only that, but Teaches You All the Tricks of the Trade while you Make Money?

Nowhere else, that’s where! This is an industry first. We’re giving all this away because we need a few smart people who want to learn every trick in the book. When you start making $2000 - $10,000 a month, we know we’ve done our job! In fact, we want you to succeed so bad that we’re going even further!

"Wow I wanted to say thanks. I never had success in any opportunity. Then I just did what you said and used you to close my sales. I made more this week than I made on my job all month. I'm so excited".

~Alan, Texas

Remember as you watch these compensation plans...You don't have to Close the Sales. I will be Closing these Sales for You! Also remember when it talks about your team Closing Sales I will be Closing those as well. All you need to do is plug in and let me open my big mouth for you!

EDC Diamond Comp Plan
EDC Gold Comp Plan
Easy Daily Cash Comp Plan

Call For Details!

Gary Warren

mailto:garysgift@gmail.com?subject=Dubbs Marketing System

Ok, so what are you waiting for? Other people are doing it… what’s stopping you?

If you have the drive, we’ll be your highway to success!
We’ll give you all the tools and personal support you Need to Get Rich!

®DubbsMarketing.com 2008 - privacy policy Get Started Today - Take A Free Look Inside

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