Monday, May 5, 2008
Wholesale Traffic System
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It's very simple...
Once You Know How To Buy Traffic At Wholesale Prices - You NEVER Have To
Worry About Money Again...EVER!
Dear friend,
Face it...traffic is everything.
People can talk all day long about who's got the biggest list and even who makes the most money, but ultimately this business comes down to one thing - TRAFFIC.
If you know how to get targeted traffic (and you know how to get it cheaply), building a list and even selling product is easy. Think about it...even the greenest newbie can write a half-way decent salesletter and even create a squeeze page (a.k.a. opt-in page) that converts at least a small fraction of visitors into subscribers.
In fact, I'd bet you already have more knowledge than you really need about things like:
* Product creation...
* Copywriting...
* List-building...
* Email marketing, etc...
So why aren't you rich?
Why haven't you made your fortune online yet?
It All Comes Down To One Missing Element: Traffic
The fact is, 90% of success online is really fairly simple...
While you may not have done it yet, I bet you know how to create an ebook or other product that could be sold online, don't you?
And even if you don't want to create the product yourself, YOU KNOW you can always interview an expert and turn that into a product...license someone else's product (i.e. buy resell rights) a private label resell rights package and rebrand and sell those products...or do any number of things to acquire something to sell.
And when it's all said and done, if you don't want to mess with any of that you can always just sell someone else's product as an affiliate!
The point is, if you needed to find a valuable product to sell, you could do it couldn't you?
And what about the actual marketing pieces...
* The salesletter...
* The follow-up emails...
* The squeeze page that collects your visitors' names and email addresses?
Again, you may not be a world-class copywriter, but you've seen enough salesletters and squeeze pages to at least create something decent, haven't you? And heck, if you're anything like me you probably have a half-dozen really great courses on copywriting you could refer to!
So, if it's not the product and it's not the actual marketing that's holding you back, what is it?
Well to put it bluntly, your problem is ...
YOU Don't Know How To Get Traffic
Think about it...
If you have something to sell, and you have the basic skills to sell it, what are you still missing?
ANSWER: Someone to sell to!
In fact, if you've always wanted to get started and you've never done it...or if you've even gone through the trouble of creating a product but you never launched, I'm betting I know why.
The problem is, you don't know how to generate traffic...
This is the gigantic purple elephant in the room that no one is talking about.
All the big name gurus like to talk about esoteric stuff like increasing conversion rates and building relationships with your subscribers, but when it's all said and done none of that stuff is worth even one thin dime if you don't know how to get traffic.
But all that is about to change...
The Secret of "Wholesale Traffic" Finally Revealed...
I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine.
His name is Mr. X.
(And no, that's not his real picture...)
For reasons you're about to hear, Mr. X wants to keep his identity a secret. But one thing that isn't a secret are some of the incredible things he's done with his online business.
For example, Mr. X had spent over $7.3 MILLION in Google AdWords alone (and that's just one of his accounts):
But what's the point of spending all that money if you don't make a lot of money. Well he's certainly done that.
In fact, in just one of his businesses he's ammased a total of 852,403 BUYERS selling everything from:
Roach poison, to grout cleaner and even rubber stamps and health supplements...and digital products such as legal forms, ant killer recipes, candle-making ebooks and even fertility-related ebooks.
...all of them with an average price point between $20 and $100. (You do the math.)
In fact...
About the Only Thing He Hasn't Sold Online is
"How To Make Money Online" Stuff!
But that's not all...
Mr. X recently built a highly profitable online business from scratch that in only 9 months had grossed a little more than $1.2 million in sales.
Here's the proof! clearly Mr. X knows what he's doing.
And here’s the best part…
1. He didn’t spend months creating the perfect products. (In fact, most of the ebooks he sells are just spruced up PLR products)…
2. He didn’t teach himself to be a world-class copywriter. In fact, oversees copywriters wrote almost all of his salesletters!
And here’s the biggie…
3. He didn’t utilize any top-secret or black-hat SEO strategies that work one day but stop working the next…
No, he chose to focus all his efforts on traffic-generation, and the rest (as they say) took care of itself.
Mr. X Knows How To Generate Traffic...
How does he do it?
It's simple: He buys the traffic at "wholesale prices"...usually 30 - 70% LESS than what his competitors are spending.
Now I ask you, if you knew how to get the exact same traffic as your competition but you paid HALF of what they paid, do you think that would help your business?
You bet it would!
I'm telling ya', when you know how to get traffic (and you know how to get it cheaply), a whole new world opens up for you. The entire online marketing game changes, and now all the rules are stacked in your favor (not your competition's).
That's what "Wholesale Traffic" is all about, and that's how Mr. X was able to make so much money in such a short amount of time.
In just a minute I'm going to tell you how you can be one of only 500 people to get access to the same, proven "Wholesale Traffic System" that Mr. X uses to build his own businesses, but for now let's talk about the different types of traffic available to you as a marketer...
The Secret To Getting All the Traffic You Need
When it comes to generating traffic you have two primary options:
1. "Borrow It" or...
2. Buy It
When I talk about "borrowing" traffic, I'm referring to all the free traffic generation methods out there.
For example...
With SEO (search engine optimization) you are "borrowing" traffic from Google and other search engines...
With article marketing you are "borrowing" traffic from website owners and ezine publishers...
With affiliate marketing and joint ventures you are "borrowing" traffic from other players in your market that already have their own email lists...
The good thing about this kind of traffic is that it's more or less free. The downside, however, is that some free traffic strategies (especially SEO and article marketing) take a while to deliver the goods, and they aren't always reliable over the long-term.
Let's look at our examples one more time:
SEO is great, but you're still at the mercy of the search engine's algorithms. One little change and it could literally dry up in an instant. If you want to be good at SEO, you have to stay on top of it 24/7 and be willing to change things at a moment's notice.
I'm a HUGE fan of Article Marketing, but if a big site stops syndicating your content to their subscribers, your business is dead if this is your only source of traffic.
And then there's Affiliate Marketing. Without a doubt, affiliate marketing is one of the single best ways to generate ultra-targeted traffic. The problem is, you usually have to be a player yourself so you can reciprocate, which is hard when you're first getting started.
And even if you're able to get someone to promote for you once, there's no guarantee they'll do it again.
That's why you see so many "one hit wonder" launches in the internet marketing world. A guy (or gal) will go through the trouble of creating a product, rally a bunch of affiliates for a launch, make a little cash and then they're gone...
...back to their DAY JOB.
Please don't think I'm trying to take anything away from these traffic generation methods. The fact is, I use them in my own businesses and suggest you use them in yours.
The distinction I'm making is that they shouldn't form the FOUNDATION of your business.
Doing so is like building your home on a foundation of day it will crumble!
So what's the answer?
Well, if you want true, long-term traffic that you have to depend on, the truth is you're gonna need to BUY IT.
Yes, that's the "big traffic-getting secret"...
If you want an unending supply of targeted traffic, the fastest and easiest way to get it is to just buy it.
Now I know the idea of buying traffic isn't as appealing as getting it for free, but ultimately...
The Only Thing That Really Matters Is ROI
Let me ask you a somewhat stupid question: Would you be willing to spend $500 if you knew you could make $1,200?
The reason it's a stupid question is because the answer is so obvious! That's a better than 2 to 1 return on investment (ROI) , so even a child would know to do this deal!
Here's another way to put it...
If I gave you a crisp $1 bill every time you gave me two quarters, how many quarters would you try to round up? I'm betting every single one you could find. And even if you wound up having to spend $500...$1,000...$10, wouldn't bat an eye because you'd know you'd get it all back - and then some!
Well that's what buying traffic is like when you know how to buy it at "wholesale" prices!
Here's an example so you can see what I mean...
How I Turned $403 Into $1,271 In 72 Hours
I want to show you a brand-new business I literally started in the last week (April 24th to be exact).
Like I said, this is a brand-new business so our total investment in traffic is still fairly low, but here are the numbers so you can see them for yourself...
Now I ask you...
Do you think it bothered me to spend that $403?
Do you think I cringed when I saw Google pull that money out of my bank account?
Heck no!
And why didn't it bother me? Simple, the $403 I spent turned into $1,271.40 in gross sales!
Here's the proof:
Now admittedly this is a physical product so not all of that is pure profit, but the shipping and handling we charged our customers (which is the $107.40 total you see in the 4th column above) more than covers printing, fulfillment AND shipping so our net sales are actually about $1,100.
Not too shabby for three days worth of "work", don't you think? And this is just the beginning...
Once this campaign is fully optimized the daily sales will only grow and the ROI should improve to more like 3 to 1.
SIDE NOTE: In case you were wondering this product has NOTHING to do with internet marketing or making money online. It's actually a tiny little niche that I know very little about, and the product itself (which sells for $97) was created in a day by interviewing an expert on the subject.
Literally anyone could have done what I did...
But now let's take it one more step...
I already know I can turn $403 into $1,271 in 72 hours, so the next step is to add as many zeros as possible to the amount I spend. (Remember, if I'm giving you $1 every time you give me $0.50, you don't want to do this once or want to do it as many times as humanly possible.)
So ideally, if I can spend $4,030 every three days and turn that into $12,710, you better believe I'll do it.
And will it bother me to spend that $4,030? Not in the least!
That would be over $8,000 for just three days worth of "work". Again I say, not too shabby.
In fact, if I can spend $40,300 and earn $127,100, I'll do it in a New York minute!
And even though the idea of dropping $40k on a brand new business sounds ridiculous right now, I know it won't happen overnight. No, the amount I spend will grow as my income grows, and as long as my ROI never dips below 1 to 1 I'm a very happy man.
In other words, after the initial investment, you won't have to pay for anything else out of pocket...
The Business Becomes Self-Funding... you only buy more traffic when the business tells you it's ok to buy more traffic.
And best of all, by using the profits from the business to "roll up" your sales, you don't need a lot of money to get started.
In fact, if you recall back to the business that Mr. X built in only 9 months (the one that pulled in a little more than $1.2 million), he spent a total of $524,838.71 with Google AdWords alone in less than a year.
Here's a screenshot of his AdWords account so you can see it for yourself:
Now obviously that's a heck of a lot of money, and the idea of spending that kind of cash is insane to most people. But remember, it's not like he wrote a check for $524,838 on day 1.
Instead, he let his business grow, and as sales increased from $17,503 the first month to almost $120,000 a month (just 5 months later), the amount he spent on traffic increased proportionately.
So why do I bother telling you all this?
Well for one, I want to get you out of the cycle of thinking that buying traffic is a bad thing.
Buying Traffic Is Not a Bad Thing!
Is trading quarters for dollars a bad thing?
Of course not!
And neither is spending $403 on Google AdWords and earning $1271...or spending $524,838 and earning $1,213,635.
This is how REAL BUSINESSES function (well, the successful ones, at least). You write small checks and you get paid big checks. That's all there is to it!
The second thing I want you to understand is...
You DO Need Money To Make Money... just DON'T need a lot.
Anyone who tells you that you can build a successful long-term business built solely on free traffic strategies is selling you a pipe dream. Run as fast as you can in the other direction because it's pure B.S.
That said, if you're thinking you need tens of thousands of dollars to launch an online business, that's just as incorrect.
Here's the deal...
"Wholesale Traffic" Isn't About Buying VOLUME...
...It's About Buying SMART!
Allow me to make something crystal clear: Mr. X doesn't get traffic at 30 - 70% less than his competition because he buys it in bulk. He doesn't have some "exclusive deal" with Google or anything fishy like that.
He simply understands how Google works, and exactly what he needs to do to get his costs as low as possible.
And that's what the "Wholesale Traffic System" is all about!
I don't care if you're buying pay-per-click, banner ads or even renting email lists, every type of traffic has an "angle" of some sort that you can manipulate. And once you understand how the system works - you're in!
With Google It's All About Following Their Rules
They actually reward smart advertisers who "get it" and punish advertisers who don't. It all comes down to someone's motivations...
For Google, their primary concern is for the visitor, NOT YOU (the advertiser). You are a necessary evil and they know there are always more advertisers around the corner willing to pay good money for the same clicks, so they have no problem "slapping" your account if you act up.
And do they bother telling you what they want or what you need to do to please them?
Not really...
Yes, they occasionally publish some helpful reports in their help section, but you really have to dig to find it. Still, this information is always incomplete.
Why do they do this?
Again, they know there's a limited number of clicks that they can dish out, so rather than work with the highest bidder, they choose to work with advertisers who are smart... advertisers who "get it."
Stupid advertisers try to fight this system, and they pay dearly for it (often without even realizing it). But Mr. X has taken the time to learn how to work with Google, and in doing so he gets some of the lowest cost-per-click rates I've ever seen.
That's the "Google Angle".
But one thing you absolutely MUST understand is...
Wholesale Traffic Is Not Just About Google AdWords
Yes, AdWords will make up the bulk of this training because that's where Mr. X truly excels and that's where 99% of online businesses need to begin. The fact is, even after the Google Slap, AdWords is still the biggest traffic opportunity available to marketers (both new and experienced:
The initial investment is as low as you need it to be, so you can literally get started with just a few hundred's simple and easy to can get up and running in a matter of minutes...and unlike other forms of traffic-buying you don't have to negotiate rates or even talk to another human-being!
But again, this training isn't all about AdWords...
"Wholesale Traffic" methods apply to buying banner ads (and yes, banner ads still work if you know how and where to buy them) and even renting email lists. In fact, once you're on the "inside" you'll see that there's a world of traffic available if you're a marketer who "gets it".
But enough beating around the bush. Let's talk about exactly what's being offered in the "Wholesale Traffic System"...
For the First Time Ever: Mr. X Is Sharing His Proven "Wholesale Traffic System" With a Select Group of Marketers...
First off, for reasons that will be explained later on in this letter, I can only allow a select few people into this group. I wish I could accept more, but as you'll soon see I'm limited due to the original deal I made with Mr. X...
The program itself is called the "Wholesale Traffic System", because that's the primary you proven systems that really do allow anyone (even if you don't have a lot of money to spend) to buy traffic for their business at 30 - 70% of what their competition is paying.
If you manage to secure one of the coveted spots, here's what you'll receive:
Wholesale Traffic Fast-Start Program ($1997 Value)
The training program you're looking at above was created during a marathon, 9-hour training call in which Mr. X revealed everything he knows about buying traffic from Google at "wholesale" prices.
Originally I recorded this call so I could train my own staff and business partners, so you're literally getting access to the exact same information my closest associates get.
This portion of the training is made up of two manuals and 12 CDs that cover all aspects of Google AdWords, from the search network to the content network and even a portion on Placement Targeting.
SIDE NOTE: If you don't know about Google Placement Targeting, you're missing out on one of the greatest traffic opportunities. But don't're not alone. Most of the marketers I know (even the "Big Dogs") don't utilize this resource because they don't fully understand how it works.
But this "Fast-Start Program" isn't even the tip of the "Wholesale Traffic System" ice burg. This is just to get you "up to speed" before we begin the formal, in-depth portion of the training...
4-Week Wholesale Traffic Advanced Video Training Program
($2997 Value)
Just going through the "Fast-Start Program" will teach you more than 99% of all AdWords advertisers, but it's the ADVANCED training that will make you a true Wholesale Traffic Expert.
Every week for 4 weeks (starting May 14th), you will take part in a detailed, action-oriented video training session where Mr. X and I will walk you through all the phases of the "Wholesale Traffic System" from the "how-to" stuff to the actual implementation of these strategies.
These video sessions are all recorded you can watch them when you want and however often you want. This way, you can truly move at your own pace. There's no such thing as "falling behind" with this program, because you'll never lose access to the training materials and you can refer back to them again and again..
Here's what we will be covering in each module:
Module 1: Laying the "Traffic Foundation" for Your Online Business
In this module you'll learn how the Google Slap made Mr. X a very rich man. If you thought Pay-Per-Click was dead for the "little guys" this module will show you otherwise and give you specific tips for competing and thriving in even highly competitive markets.
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in this module:
* Why it's so important to cooperate with Google and not try to beat their system...
* How to know what Google wants (even when they don't tell you)...
* How to avoid paying Google's "Stupid Tax" and the real reason they treat their advertisers the way they do...
* Why 70% of all PPC ad dollars is wasted, and how you can make sure you don't waste a single dime, and...
* The secret to trading quarters for dollars in PPC.
Module 2: The Other 2/3 of Google That Almost Everyone Else Neglects
When online marketers first get started with Google AdWords, they typically focus on "Search Campaigns" and almost completely ignore the Content Network.
SIDE NOTE: In case you didn't know, the Search Network is when your ads appear on the Google search pages. The Content Network is when your ads are syndicated across their network of partner sites (i.e. AdSense publishers) which gives you a much greater reach and exposure to additional traffic.
This is a huge mistake, because as you'll see when we get to Module 2, the Content Network actually converts better than the Search Network!
Yes, I realize that's the exact opposite of what you've always heard, but that's not the only myth we'll be dispelling in this module. Here are a few more:
* Why you should NEVER cut your Content Network bids down to half of your Search Network bids like many of the gurus suggest. (This model worked in the past, but it just doesn't apply today.)
* Why keywords really don't matter in the grand scheme of things, and how you can make A LOT more money if you switch from being keyword-centric to market-centric...
* How to completely dominate all the advertising spots across an entire webpage. (The big secret of marketing is learning to "market in a vacuum." Well with this strategy, that's exactly what you'll be doing...)
* And much, much more.
After Module 2 you'll have a firm grasp of basic traffic generation utilizing Google, so now it's time to monetize all this cheap traffic. That's where Module 3 comes into play...
Module 3: Wholesale Traffic Conversion Models
If you liked the "Self-Liquidating Offers" report, then you'll love this module!
In week 3, we'll be looking at different conversion models (including SLOs) that you can use once you understand how to get traffic at wholesale prices.
This is when theory truly gets put into action...
If you're an experienced marketer with an established business, we'll show you how to create new lead generation funnels out of thin air. This could literally double or even triple sales in even stagnant, dying businesses.
If you're brand-new and you don't yet have a product, you can use these models to launch your business from the ground up. Again, once you understand traffic, everything else is easy.
Frankly, I wish I had access to this module when I first got started online! It would have saved me YEARS and literally tens of thousands of dollars in failed businesses and ideas.
Module 4: Cutting Out Google For Even Deeper Discounts (And a LOT More Traffic)
This is when things truly get taken to the next level...
Remember how I said "Wholesale Traffic" isn't all about Google? Well in this module you'll see why.
The truth is, I mainly use Google as a "testing ground" for my media and marketing message ideas. Once I know what works, then it's time to cut Google out of the equation to get even deeper discounts.
You see, outside of the Search Network (when your ads appear on the Google search pages themselves), Google merely acts as a "middle man" brokering traffic for tens of thousands of websites across the Internet.
Well once you know what works (and more important WHERE it works), you don't really need Google any longer.
This is an advanced strategy and not all business owners will be ready for it. That's ok, though, because the way this training is setup you can come back to it whenever you're ready.
Then again, you may just surprise yourself...
I'm betting we'll have a few newbies in the group become true banner ad masters. It could even be you!
But believe it or not, that's still not all...
Four (4) "Burning Question" Q&A Calls
($1000 Value)
I don't expect everyone who's going through this program to have the exact same level of experience and expertise, nor do I expect even the more advanced participants to fully grasp every single concept we'll be presenting during this training the first time they hear it.
The fact is, there will be questions, and the last thing Mr. X and I want to do is leave someone hanging.
So periodically through the training (but probably once per week) we will hold a live Q&A call in which you can jump on and ask any question you like.
These calls will go as long as they need to go to make sure everyone gets their questions answered, and they'll also be recorded so you won't need to stay on the call the entire time unless you absolutely want to.
NOTE: These calls will be held during the day because we reserve our evenings for "family time", but if you know you cannot make them you can always submit your questions ahead of time and we promise to answer all pre-submitted questions on the call as well.
Free Access for 45 Days To The All New
"Total Access Club" ($394 Value)
The "Total Access Club" is made up of an elite group of 500 marketers. Each month, members of this group get to "look over my shoulder" as I run my different online businesses. (You get to see all the nitty-gritty details about my "underground" businesses that I've kept private all these years.)
You'll watch as I implement new marketing techniques and have a front-row seat to all my successes and failures. You'll also get access to monthly Case Studies and Expert Interviews that can't be had anywhere else. Outside of being an actual partner of mine, this is the closest to me that you can get.
Currently membership in this group is $197 a month, but you'll get 45 days free and after that time you'll be renewed at the charter membership rate of only $97 a month. (Charter memberships are currently sold out, so this is your only chance to get in at this price.)
But that's still not all...
If you're one of the first 50 (or 150) people to invest in the "Wholesale Traffic System," you'll also qualify for these additional FAST-MOVER BONUSES:
- First 50 People Only -
Ok, this is a biggie...
For the first 50 people, Mr. X is actually going to setup a Google AdWords campaign for you!
Yes, he's going to go into your account, do the keyword research, write the ad and even tell you what you should bid. You'll still need to activate and monitor the campaign, but literally all the initial guess-work is removed.
Honestly, I don't know how you can put a value on this bonus.
Depending on your offer, the sales alone from the campaign he sets could easily measure in the tens of thousands!! But in my opinion, the most valuable thing is the experience you'll get by seeing a true master at work.
And since the campaign is literally DONE FOR YOU, you can refer back to it time and time again when setting up your other campaigns.
I still can't believe he's willing to do this because it's gonna require A LOT of work on his part. I can tell you, though, that this isn't one of those fast-mover bonuses that we'll come back after the fact and offer it to everyone.
No freakin' way!!
There's just too much work involved, so Mr. X was very clear that it's JUST THE FIRST 50. So if you're #51...sorry.
Fortunately we are doing something for the next 100 people who signup...
IMPORTANT: You have a full 12 months to take Mr. X up on this offer, so if you're brand-new and you still don't have a product, don't worry about. You can always wait and use it when you're ready.
- First 150 People Only -
If you're not in the first group of 50 but you are among the next 100 to jump on this offer, you'll get another incredible bonus from Mr. X that's truly worth 10 TIMES the investment in this training...
While he won't be able to setup actual campaigns for 150 people, what he is willing to do for this group is review one of your AdWords campaigns.
You'll need to create a user account inside of AdWords (and don't worry, we'll show you how to do this) so he can access your account, and if you tell him the one you want reviewed he'll go in and tell you:
* What's broken...
* How you can fix it, and...
* What you can do to take this campaign to the next level.
This is going to sound bold, but I'm predicting that Mr. X is going to make at least one person in this group at least $1 Million based on the suggestions he gives them.
I obviously can't guarantee that you'll be that person, but if you're one of the first 150 to signup you'll at least get the opportunity to find out
If you would like to get a 10-minute head-start over everyone else, you can join the "early bird" notification list below.
IMPORTANT: As with the first Fast-Mover Bonus, you have a full 12 months to take Mr. X up on this offer. So, if you're brand-new and you still don't have a product, don't worry about. You can always wait and use it when you're ready.
Now that you have a good grasp of everything that comes with the "Wholesale Traffic System", you're probably wondering how you can get started...
But Here's the Bad News...
There's a very good chance the "Wholesale Traffic System" is not right for you...
For starters, it won't be cheap. Here's why:
1. Mr. X has spent the better part of this decade researching and developing the traffic generation and business-building systems he'll be sharing with you, so he's not about to just give them away. And I don't know about you, but I firmly believe a man (or woman) should be compensated for their hard work.
If you don't...if you have an entitlement mentality and think you should get everything for free, you're not the kind of person we want in this group.
2. I also want to discourage "opportunity seekers" and other product junkies from joining because I know they'll add nothing to the group and only create more headaches for Mr. X and me.
So if you're the type of person who is still looking for the "holy grail" of online marketing...that one "magical secret" that when used will cause money to literally shoot out of your computer, please look elsewhere.
You won't like this, and we probably won't like you.
3. Finally, I want you to value the systems you'll be learning. Yes, Mr. X could give them away and hope to "spread the word" that way, but I know a large portion of the group wouldn't actually use them and the entire reason we're doing this would fall apart!
Prior to publishing the "Self-Liquidating Offers" report, I asked some marketing buddies of mine to tell me how and for what price I should sell this training if I was able to convince Mr. X to release it to the public.
The general consensus was that I should do a truly limited, one-time event and price it at $10,000. (Mr. X made it clear from the beginning that if he did teach this it would only be to a small group of people.)
I liked the idea of a high-priced event, but with a new baby in the house I knew this wasn't something I wanted to try to do for lifestyle reasons. (That's a nice way of saying my wife would kill me if I spent every day planning a live event instead of helping her with the baby.) :o)
So while the event was pretty much a no-go, I must admit that I liked the $10,000 price-tag. Not only because it accomplished the three points above, but also because it was in line with the value I knew we would provide.
After all, these exact same systems have been used to build multiple 7 and 8-figure companies, so $10,000 would be nothing for the right people.
But then I got to thinking...
"I Sincerely Want Marketers of All Levels
To Have Access To This 'Missing Link'..."
At the $10,000 price-point, only the most elite marketers would be able to afford this training and I sincerely wanted marketers of all levels to be helped. Again, I remember what it's like...
* I remember what it was like to be brand-new and not even know where to begin...
* I remember what it was like to break out into cold sweats when spending just a few hundred dollars on traffic, because I didn't know if it would come back to me or not...
* I remember what it was like to spend MONTHS creating a product and WEEKS writing the salesletter, only to wonder how on earth I'd actually get people to the site...
I remember all this, and I genuinely want better for you.
So here's what we ultimately decided...
To keep these systems within the reach of all serious online entrepreneurs and business owners, we are going to keep your required investment at only $1997. (And yes, to make it even easier we're also offering a split-pay option.)
If $1997 still seems too high (especially with the 3-pay option), then I'm sorry but you've disqualified yourself.
Either you just don't believe me when I say this works (in which case you're only going to try to prove yourself right once the training actually begins), or funds are so tight that frankly you shouldn't be attempting to do this or any other business.
This ISN'T "Get rich quick..."
This ISN'T "Do nothing and make money from home in your underwear..."
These are real business SYSTEMS that actually work, and therefore the training is priced accordingly.
In the end, there are those people who are willing to invest in themselves because they know, deep down inside, that they're going to do more with their lives...and there are those who are just "playing business".
Now is when you need to decide which group you fall into...
More Bad News...
Ok, so admittedly the first bit of "bad news" wasn't really bad news at all. In fact, if you actually use the traffic systems they should pay for your investment in no time.
This 2nd piece of bad news, however, could legitimately keep you out of the group (even if you're willing to make the required investment)...
I'm severely limiting the total number of people who will get access to these systems.
For one, if the group gets too big it will become impossible to manage and Mr. X and I will wind up neglecting our own businesses.
Also, part of the agreement I made with Mr. X is that these materials wouldn't be made available to the general public. Initially he didn't specific a number, but when we were planning to hold it as a $10,000 event, the plan was to limit it to 50, and then if that event went well we would consider doing another event (also limited to 50).
But again, I knew there would be a A LOT more than 100 people who wanted access to this training, so I went back to Mr. X and got him to agree to make it available to 500 people.
Now please understand: This is not one of those lame "We've only printed 500 copies and we're not printing anymore..." kind of things. This is a legitimate licensing deal in which I am limited to selling only 500 copies. And my accounts will be audited, so you better believe I'm not gonna go over.
In other words, if you want in, I suggest you make a move sooner rather than later, because there is a very real possibility that you could be left out.
The World's Simplest Guarantee
In case you're wondering, yes, this program is guaranteed...
There's no question that the "Wholesale Traffic System" works, so I'm not going to bother with any conditional guarantees that force you to prove you implemented something to get a refund.
The fact is, if you just do something - even if it's just half of what we tell you to do - you WILL BE's as simple as that.
It's also not a question of whether or not this will be "right" for your business. With some products and services that may be the case, but this particular system is absolutely right for any and every online business.
I don't care if you're just getting started and you don't even know what you want to do, or if you're already running a multi-million dollar online business...
After all, what business wouldn't want more traffic, or at the very least to cut their traffic costs in half?
So since I know it's not really a question of if it will work or if it will work for YOU (I know the answer is YES on both accounts), I'm not going to bother complicating the issue. So here's the world's simplest, no B.S. guarantee:
Our Guarantee (and it's a good one...)
Take a full 90 days to check out the "Wholesale Traffic System", and if you don't like it for any reason (even if it's because you find my voice obnoxious) let us know and we'll give you your money questions asked.
Is that fair?
And the truth is, it's not like we're counting down those 90 days. Heck, I'd make it full year but my merchant account wants to limit their exposure to only 90 days. But if worse comes to worse and you just want your money back, even if it's beyond the 90 day period, I promise you'll get it if I have to cut you the check out of my personal account.
That's how confident I am in this training!
But there is a catch...
Here's What's Expected of You...
If I'm gonna go out on a limb with what amounts to a lifetime guarantee on a premium priced program in which we're personally investing hundreds of hours of our own time...I want you to make sure you're serious about this.
Again, if you want your money back you'll get questions asked.
But what I don't want you to do is to come into this program wishy-washy demanding the moon and the stars and then a refund if you don't get a million dollars just handed to you with whip cream and a cherry on top.
Sorry, but that isn't how this works...
Not only is that unfair to me and Mr. X, it's also unfair to the person whose spot you took. Remember, this program is limited to just 500 people, so if you take a spot and then drop out knowing you were never truly committed in the first place, that's on you.
I hate to be so harsh, but this is serious stuff and it deserves your careful attention.
Fortunately, if you've made it this far I really don't think it's going to be an issue. After all, why would you have read this entire letter and investigated this training if you weren't truly committed?
So now that we're all on the same page, I want to invite you to become a part of the "Wholesale Traffic System" and I look forward to welcoming you into the club of people who "get it".
If you want in, simply click on the "Signup" button below to get started...
Wholesale Traffic System Priority Registration Form
Pay In Full Today and Save $244!
Take the Three-Pay Option
Act Fast, the Signup Button Is Now LIVE!
NOTICE: The Wholesale Traffic System is limited to 500 members only!
All the best,
P.S. I've said it once and I'll say it again...
Once you know how to get traffic, you'll never be poor again. If no one sees your offer, it doesn't matter if you have the best product and the best salesletter in the world. Your sales (and income) will still be a very big round number ... 0.
On the other hand, I can have a good product with a so-so salesletter and bad follow-up marketing, and given enough traffic I'll still make a lot of money.
And when you combine all three: Great Product, Great Marketing, and Consistent, Targeted Traffic...that's when you start making life-changing income!
You see, there's really nothing magical about making money online...most people are missing just one crucial element of the puzzle: Traffic.
I'm offering to hand you that "missing element" on a silver platter. All you need to do is TAKE IT!
P.P.S. By the way, if you're spending more than $1000 a month in AdWords alone, this is an absolute no-brainer for you. The strategies you'll learn in the first 4 discs of the "Fast-Start Program" alone will pay for this training in a month or two just off of the
And that's not including the extra sales!
CLICK HERE to register now...
Earnings Disclaimer: Do not invest in this training if you think it will automatically make you money just because you bought it. You have to work to succeed in anything (and especially business) and I'm neither going to hide or apologize for that. The results I've shown here and in the related reports aren't typical.
No testimonials or outside case studies have been given because, frankly, this system has never been taught to the public before. All we have to go off of are the results of Mr. X. If that's enough for you, we invite you to come along. If it isn't...please don't make the investment.
In the end, you may not make any money at all. It's possible you might even lose money. Know that before you going in, because if you're looking for the silver bullet, I'm sorry but this ain't it.
Fact: Mr. X has spent over $7.3 MILLION with Google AdWords alone!
Think he can teach you a thing or two about buying traffic at dirt-cheap prices?
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© 2008 Infomastery LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials from this site is expressly prohibited.
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It's very simple...
Once You Know How To Buy Traffic At Wholesale Prices - You NEVER Have To
Worry About Money Again...EVER!
Dear friend,
Face it...traffic is everything.
People can talk all day long about who's got the biggest list and even who makes the most money, but ultimately this business comes down to one thing - TRAFFIC.
If you know how to get targeted traffic (and you know how to get it cheaply), building a list and even selling product is easy. Think about it...even the greenest newbie can write a half-way decent salesletter and even create a squeeze page (a.k.a. opt-in page) that converts at least a small fraction of visitors into subscribers.
In fact, I'd bet you already have more knowledge than you really need about things like:
* Product creation...
* Copywriting...
* List-building...
* Email marketing, etc...
So why aren't you rich?
Why haven't you made your fortune online yet?
It All Comes Down To One Missing Element: Traffic
The fact is, 90% of success online is really fairly simple...
While you may not have done it yet, I bet you know how to create an ebook or other product that could be sold online, don't you?
And even if you don't want to create the product yourself, YOU KNOW you can always interview an expert and turn that into a product...license someone else's product (i.e. buy resell rights) a private label resell rights package and rebrand and sell those products...or do any number of things to acquire something to sell.
And when it's all said and done, if you don't want to mess with any of that you can always just sell someone else's product as an affiliate!
The point is, if you needed to find a valuable product to sell, you could do it couldn't you?
And what about the actual marketing pieces...
* The salesletter...
* The follow-up emails...
* The squeeze page that collects your visitors' names and email addresses?
Again, you may not be a world-class copywriter, but you've seen enough salesletters and squeeze pages to at least create something decent, haven't you? And heck, if you're anything like me you probably have a half-dozen really great courses on copywriting you could refer to!
So, if it's not the product and it's not the actual marketing that's holding you back, what is it?
Well to put it bluntly, your problem is ...
YOU Don't Know How To Get Traffic
Think about it...
If you have something to sell, and you have the basic skills to sell it, what are you still missing?
ANSWER: Someone to sell to!
In fact, if you've always wanted to get started and you've never done it...or if you've even gone through the trouble of creating a product but you never launched, I'm betting I know why.
The problem is, you don't know how to generate traffic...
This is the gigantic purple elephant in the room that no one is talking about.
All the big name gurus like to talk about esoteric stuff like increasing conversion rates and building relationships with your subscribers, but when it's all said and done none of that stuff is worth even one thin dime if you don't know how to get traffic.
But all that is about to change...
The Secret of "Wholesale Traffic" Finally Revealed...
I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine.
His name is Mr. X.
(And no, that's not his real picture...)
For reasons you're about to hear, Mr. X wants to keep his identity a secret. But one thing that isn't a secret are some of the incredible things he's done with his online business.
For example, Mr. X had spent over $7.3 MILLION in Google AdWords alone (and that's just one of his accounts):
But what's the point of spending all that money if you don't make a lot of money. Well he's certainly done that.
In fact, in just one of his businesses he's ammased a total of 852,403 BUYERS selling everything from:
Roach poison, to grout cleaner and even rubber stamps and health supplements...and digital products such as legal forms, ant killer recipes, candle-making ebooks and even fertility-related ebooks.
...all of them with an average price point between $20 and $100. (You do the math.)
In fact...
About the Only Thing He Hasn't Sold Online is
"How To Make Money Online" Stuff!
But that's not all...
Mr. X recently built a highly profitable online business from scratch that in only 9 months had grossed a little more than $1.2 million in sales.
Here's the proof! clearly Mr. X knows what he's doing.
And here’s the best part…
1. He didn’t spend months creating the perfect products. (In fact, most of the ebooks he sells are just spruced up PLR products)…
2. He didn’t teach himself to be a world-class copywriter. In fact, oversees copywriters wrote almost all of his salesletters!
And here’s the biggie…
3. He didn’t utilize any top-secret or black-hat SEO strategies that work one day but stop working the next…
No, he chose to focus all his efforts on traffic-generation, and the rest (as they say) took care of itself.
Mr. X Knows How To Generate Traffic...
How does he do it?
It's simple: He buys the traffic at "wholesale prices"...usually 30 - 70% LESS than what his competitors are spending.
Now I ask you, if you knew how to get the exact same traffic as your competition but you paid HALF of what they paid, do you think that would help your business?
You bet it would!
I'm telling ya', when you know how to get traffic (and you know how to get it cheaply), a whole new world opens up for you. The entire online marketing game changes, and now all the rules are stacked in your favor (not your competition's).
That's what "Wholesale Traffic" is all about, and that's how Mr. X was able to make so much money in such a short amount of time.
In just a minute I'm going to tell you how you can be one of only 500 people to get access to the same, proven "Wholesale Traffic System" that Mr. X uses to build his own businesses, but for now let's talk about the different types of traffic available to you as a marketer...
The Secret To Getting All the Traffic You Need
When it comes to generating traffic you have two primary options:
1. "Borrow It" or...
2. Buy It
When I talk about "borrowing" traffic, I'm referring to all the free traffic generation methods out there.
For example...
With SEO (search engine optimization) you are "borrowing" traffic from Google and other search engines...
With article marketing you are "borrowing" traffic from website owners and ezine publishers...
With affiliate marketing and joint ventures you are "borrowing" traffic from other players in your market that already have their own email lists...
The good thing about this kind of traffic is that it's more or less free. The downside, however, is that some free traffic strategies (especially SEO and article marketing) take a while to deliver the goods, and they aren't always reliable over the long-term.
Let's look at our examples one more time:
SEO is great, but you're still at the mercy of the search engine's algorithms. One little change and it could literally dry up in an instant. If you want to be good at SEO, you have to stay on top of it 24/7 and be willing to change things at a moment's notice.
I'm a HUGE fan of Article Marketing, but if a big site stops syndicating your content to their subscribers, your business is dead if this is your only source of traffic.
And then there's Affiliate Marketing. Without a doubt, affiliate marketing is one of the single best ways to generate ultra-targeted traffic. The problem is, you usually have to be a player yourself so you can reciprocate, which is hard when you're first getting started.
And even if you're able to get someone to promote for you once, there's no guarantee they'll do it again.
That's why you see so many "one hit wonder" launches in the internet marketing world. A guy (or gal) will go through the trouble of creating a product, rally a bunch of affiliates for a launch, make a little cash and then they're gone...
...back to their DAY JOB.
Please don't think I'm trying to take anything away from these traffic generation methods. The fact is, I use them in my own businesses and suggest you use them in yours.
The distinction I'm making is that they shouldn't form the FOUNDATION of your business.
Doing so is like building your home on a foundation of day it will crumble!
So what's the answer?
Well, if you want true, long-term traffic that you have to depend on, the truth is you're gonna need to BUY IT.
Yes, that's the "big traffic-getting secret"...
If you want an unending supply of targeted traffic, the fastest and easiest way to get it is to just buy it.
Now I know the idea of buying traffic isn't as appealing as getting it for free, but ultimately...
The Only Thing That Really Matters Is ROI
Let me ask you a somewhat stupid question: Would you be willing to spend $500 if you knew you could make $1,200?
The reason it's a stupid question is because the answer is so obvious! That's a better than 2 to 1 return on investment (ROI) , so even a child would know to do this deal!
Here's another way to put it...
If I gave you a crisp $1 bill every time you gave me two quarters, how many quarters would you try to round up? I'm betting every single one you could find. And even if you wound up having to spend $500...$1,000...$10, wouldn't bat an eye because you'd know you'd get it all back - and then some!
Well that's what buying traffic is like when you know how to buy it at "wholesale" prices!
Here's an example so you can see what I mean...
How I Turned $403 Into $1,271 In 72 Hours
I want to show you a brand-new business I literally started in the last week (April 24th to be exact).
Like I said, this is a brand-new business so our total investment in traffic is still fairly low, but here are the numbers so you can see them for yourself...
Now I ask you...
Do you think it bothered me to spend that $403?
Do you think I cringed when I saw Google pull that money out of my bank account?
Heck no!
And why didn't it bother me? Simple, the $403 I spent turned into $1,271.40 in gross sales!
Here's the proof:
Now admittedly this is a physical product so not all of that is pure profit, but the shipping and handling we charged our customers (which is the $107.40 total you see in the 4th column above) more than covers printing, fulfillment AND shipping so our net sales are actually about $1,100.
Not too shabby for three days worth of "work", don't you think? And this is just the beginning...
Once this campaign is fully optimized the daily sales will only grow and the ROI should improve to more like 3 to 1.
SIDE NOTE: In case you were wondering this product has NOTHING to do with internet marketing or making money online. It's actually a tiny little niche that I know very little about, and the product itself (which sells for $97) was created in a day by interviewing an expert on the subject.
Literally anyone could have done what I did...
But now let's take it one more step...
I already know I can turn $403 into $1,271 in 72 hours, so the next step is to add as many zeros as possible to the amount I spend. (Remember, if I'm giving you $1 every time you give me $0.50, you don't want to do this once or want to do it as many times as humanly possible.)
So ideally, if I can spend $4,030 every three days and turn that into $12,710, you better believe I'll do it.
And will it bother me to spend that $4,030? Not in the least!
That would be over $8,000 for just three days worth of "work". Again I say, not too shabby.
In fact, if I can spend $40,300 and earn $127,100, I'll do it in a New York minute!
And even though the idea of dropping $40k on a brand new business sounds ridiculous right now, I know it won't happen overnight. No, the amount I spend will grow as my income grows, and as long as my ROI never dips below 1 to 1 I'm a very happy man.
In other words, after the initial investment, you won't have to pay for anything else out of pocket...
The Business Becomes Self-Funding... you only buy more traffic when the business tells you it's ok to buy more traffic.
And best of all, by using the profits from the business to "roll up" your sales, you don't need a lot of money to get started.
In fact, if you recall back to the business that Mr. X built in only 9 months (the one that pulled in a little more than $1.2 million), he spent a total of $524,838.71 with Google AdWords alone in less than a year.
Here's a screenshot of his AdWords account so you can see it for yourself:
Now obviously that's a heck of a lot of money, and the idea of spending that kind of cash is insane to most people. But remember, it's not like he wrote a check for $524,838 on day 1.
Instead, he let his business grow, and as sales increased from $17,503 the first month to almost $120,000 a month (just 5 months later), the amount he spent on traffic increased proportionately.
So why do I bother telling you all this?
Well for one, I want to get you out of the cycle of thinking that buying traffic is a bad thing.
Buying Traffic Is Not a Bad Thing!
Is trading quarters for dollars a bad thing?
Of course not!
And neither is spending $403 on Google AdWords and earning $1271...or spending $524,838 and earning $1,213,635.
This is how REAL BUSINESSES function (well, the successful ones, at least). You write small checks and you get paid big checks. That's all there is to it!
The second thing I want you to understand is...
You DO Need Money To Make Money... just DON'T need a lot.
Anyone who tells you that you can build a successful long-term business built solely on free traffic strategies is selling you a pipe dream. Run as fast as you can in the other direction because it's pure B.S.
That said, if you're thinking you need tens of thousands of dollars to launch an online business, that's just as incorrect.
Here's the deal...
"Wholesale Traffic" Isn't About Buying VOLUME...
...It's About Buying SMART!
Allow me to make something crystal clear: Mr. X doesn't get traffic at 30 - 70% less than his competition because he buys it in bulk. He doesn't have some "exclusive deal" with Google or anything fishy like that.
He simply understands how Google works, and exactly what he needs to do to get his costs as low as possible.
And that's what the "Wholesale Traffic System" is all about!
I don't care if you're buying pay-per-click, banner ads or even renting email lists, every type of traffic has an "angle" of some sort that you can manipulate. And once you understand how the system works - you're in!
With Google It's All About Following Their Rules
They actually reward smart advertisers who "get it" and punish advertisers who don't. It all comes down to someone's motivations...
For Google, their primary concern is for the visitor, NOT YOU (the advertiser). You are a necessary evil and they know there are always more advertisers around the corner willing to pay good money for the same clicks, so they have no problem "slapping" your account if you act up.
And do they bother telling you what they want or what you need to do to please them?
Not really...
Yes, they occasionally publish some helpful reports in their help section, but you really have to dig to find it. Still, this information is always incomplete.
Why do they do this?
Again, they know there's a limited number of clicks that they can dish out, so rather than work with the highest bidder, they choose to work with advertisers who are smart... advertisers who "get it."
Stupid advertisers try to fight this system, and they pay dearly for it (often without even realizing it). But Mr. X has taken the time to learn how to work with Google, and in doing so he gets some of the lowest cost-per-click rates I've ever seen.
That's the "Google Angle".
But one thing you absolutely MUST understand is...
Wholesale Traffic Is Not Just About Google AdWords
Yes, AdWords will make up the bulk of this training because that's where Mr. X truly excels and that's where 99% of online businesses need to begin. The fact is, even after the Google Slap, AdWords is still the biggest traffic opportunity available to marketers (both new and experienced:
The initial investment is as low as you need it to be, so you can literally get started with just a few hundred's simple and easy to can get up and running in a matter of minutes...and unlike other forms of traffic-buying you don't have to negotiate rates or even talk to another human-being!
But again, this training isn't all about AdWords...
"Wholesale Traffic" methods apply to buying banner ads (and yes, banner ads still work if you know how and where to buy them) and even renting email lists. In fact, once you're on the "inside" you'll see that there's a world of traffic available if you're a marketer who "gets it".
But enough beating around the bush. Let's talk about exactly what's being offered in the "Wholesale Traffic System"...
For the First Time Ever: Mr. X Is Sharing His Proven "Wholesale Traffic System" With a Select Group of Marketers...
First off, for reasons that will be explained later on in this letter, I can only allow a select few people into this group. I wish I could accept more, but as you'll soon see I'm limited due to the original deal I made with Mr. X...
The program itself is called the "Wholesale Traffic System", because that's the primary you proven systems that really do allow anyone (even if you don't have a lot of money to spend) to buy traffic for their business at 30 - 70% of what their competition is paying.
If you manage to secure one of the coveted spots, here's what you'll receive:
Wholesale Traffic Fast-Start Program ($1997 Value)
The training program you're looking at above was created during a marathon, 9-hour training call in which Mr. X revealed everything he knows about buying traffic from Google at "wholesale" prices.
Originally I recorded this call so I could train my own staff and business partners, so you're literally getting access to the exact same information my closest associates get.
This portion of the training is made up of two manuals and 12 CDs that cover all aspects of Google AdWords, from the search network to the content network and even a portion on Placement Targeting.
SIDE NOTE: If you don't know about Google Placement Targeting, you're missing out on one of the greatest traffic opportunities. But don't're not alone. Most of the marketers I know (even the "Big Dogs") don't utilize this resource because they don't fully understand how it works.
But this "Fast-Start Program" isn't even the tip of the "Wholesale Traffic System" ice burg. This is just to get you "up to speed" before we begin the formal, in-depth portion of the training...
4-Week Wholesale Traffic Advanced Video Training Program
($2997 Value)
Just going through the "Fast-Start Program" will teach you more than 99% of all AdWords advertisers, but it's the ADVANCED training that will make you a true Wholesale Traffic Expert.
Every week for 4 weeks (starting May 14th), you will take part in a detailed, action-oriented video training session where Mr. X and I will walk you through all the phases of the "Wholesale Traffic System" from the "how-to" stuff to the actual implementation of these strategies.
These video sessions are all recorded you can watch them when you want and however often you want. This way, you can truly move at your own pace. There's no such thing as "falling behind" with this program, because you'll never lose access to the training materials and you can refer back to them again and again..
Here's what we will be covering in each module:
Module 1: Laying the "Traffic Foundation" for Your Online Business
In this module you'll learn how the Google Slap made Mr. X a very rich man. If you thought Pay-Per-Click was dead for the "little guys" this module will show you otherwise and give you specific tips for competing and thriving in even highly competitive markets.
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in this module:
* Why it's so important to cooperate with Google and not try to beat their system...
* How to know what Google wants (even when they don't tell you)...
* How to avoid paying Google's "Stupid Tax" and the real reason they treat their advertisers the way they do...
* Why 70% of all PPC ad dollars is wasted, and how you can make sure you don't waste a single dime, and...
* The secret to trading quarters for dollars in PPC.
Module 2: The Other 2/3 of Google That Almost Everyone Else Neglects
When online marketers first get started with Google AdWords, they typically focus on "Search Campaigns" and almost completely ignore the Content Network.
SIDE NOTE: In case you didn't know, the Search Network is when your ads appear on the Google search pages. The Content Network is when your ads are syndicated across their network of partner sites (i.e. AdSense publishers) which gives you a much greater reach and exposure to additional traffic.
This is a huge mistake, because as you'll see when we get to Module 2, the Content Network actually converts better than the Search Network!
Yes, I realize that's the exact opposite of what you've always heard, but that's not the only myth we'll be dispelling in this module. Here are a few more:
* Why you should NEVER cut your Content Network bids down to half of your Search Network bids like many of the gurus suggest. (This model worked in the past, but it just doesn't apply today.)
* Why keywords really don't matter in the grand scheme of things, and how you can make A LOT more money if you switch from being keyword-centric to market-centric...
* How to completely dominate all the advertising spots across an entire webpage. (The big secret of marketing is learning to "market in a vacuum." Well with this strategy, that's exactly what you'll be doing...)
* And much, much more.
After Module 2 you'll have a firm grasp of basic traffic generation utilizing Google, so now it's time to monetize all this cheap traffic. That's where Module 3 comes into play...
Module 3: Wholesale Traffic Conversion Models
If you liked the "Self-Liquidating Offers" report, then you'll love this module!
In week 3, we'll be looking at different conversion models (including SLOs) that you can use once you understand how to get traffic at wholesale prices.
This is when theory truly gets put into action...
If you're an experienced marketer with an established business, we'll show you how to create new lead generation funnels out of thin air. This could literally double or even triple sales in even stagnant, dying businesses.
If you're brand-new and you don't yet have a product, you can use these models to launch your business from the ground up. Again, once you understand traffic, everything else is easy.
Frankly, I wish I had access to this module when I first got started online! It would have saved me YEARS and literally tens of thousands of dollars in failed businesses and ideas.
Module 4: Cutting Out Google For Even Deeper Discounts (And a LOT More Traffic)
This is when things truly get taken to the next level...
Remember how I said "Wholesale Traffic" isn't all about Google? Well in this module you'll see why.
The truth is, I mainly use Google as a "testing ground" for my media and marketing message ideas. Once I know what works, then it's time to cut Google out of the equation to get even deeper discounts.
You see, outside of the Search Network (when your ads appear on the Google search pages themselves), Google merely acts as a "middle man" brokering traffic for tens of thousands of websites across the Internet.
Well once you know what works (and more important WHERE it works), you don't really need Google any longer.
This is an advanced strategy and not all business owners will be ready for it. That's ok, though, because the way this training is setup you can come back to it whenever you're ready.
Then again, you may just surprise yourself...
I'm betting we'll have a few newbies in the group become true banner ad masters. It could even be you!
But believe it or not, that's still not all...
Four (4) "Burning Question" Q&A Calls
($1000 Value)
I don't expect everyone who's going through this program to have the exact same level of experience and expertise, nor do I expect even the more advanced participants to fully grasp every single concept we'll be presenting during this training the first time they hear it.
The fact is, there will be questions, and the last thing Mr. X and I want to do is leave someone hanging.
So periodically through the training (but probably once per week) we will hold a live Q&A call in which you can jump on and ask any question you like.
These calls will go as long as they need to go to make sure everyone gets their questions answered, and they'll also be recorded so you won't need to stay on the call the entire time unless you absolutely want to.
NOTE: These calls will be held during the day because we reserve our evenings for "family time", but if you know you cannot make them you can always submit your questions ahead of time and we promise to answer all pre-submitted questions on the call as well.
Free Access for 45 Days To The All New
"Total Access Club" ($394 Value)
The "Total Access Club" is made up of an elite group of 500 marketers. Each month, members of this group get to "look over my shoulder" as I run my different online businesses. (You get to see all the nitty-gritty details about my "underground" businesses that I've kept private all these years.)
You'll watch as I implement new marketing techniques and have a front-row seat to all my successes and failures. You'll also get access to monthly Case Studies and Expert Interviews that can't be had anywhere else. Outside of being an actual partner of mine, this is the closest to me that you can get.
Currently membership in this group is $197 a month, but you'll get 45 days free and after that time you'll be renewed at the charter membership rate of only $97 a month. (Charter memberships are currently sold out, so this is your only chance to get in at this price.)
But that's still not all...
If you're one of the first 50 (or 150) people to invest in the "Wholesale Traffic System," you'll also qualify for these additional FAST-MOVER BONUSES:
- First 50 People Only -
Ok, this is a biggie...
For the first 50 people, Mr. X is actually going to setup a Google AdWords campaign for you!
Yes, he's going to go into your account, do the keyword research, write the ad and even tell you what you should bid. You'll still need to activate and monitor the campaign, but literally all the initial guess-work is removed.
Honestly, I don't know how you can put a value on this bonus.
Depending on your offer, the sales alone from the campaign he sets could easily measure in the tens of thousands!! But in my opinion, the most valuable thing is the experience you'll get by seeing a true master at work.
And since the campaign is literally DONE FOR YOU, you can refer back to it time and time again when setting up your other campaigns.
I still can't believe he's willing to do this because it's gonna require A LOT of work on his part. I can tell you, though, that this isn't one of those fast-mover bonuses that we'll come back after the fact and offer it to everyone.
No freakin' way!!
There's just too much work involved, so Mr. X was very clear that it's JUST THE FIRST 50. So if you're #51...sorry.
Fortunately we are doing something for the next 100 people who signup...
IMPORTANT: You have a full 12 months to take Mr. X up on this offer, so if you're brand-new and you still don't have a product, don't worry about. You can always wait and use it when you're ready.
- First 150 People Only -
If you're not in the first group of 50 but you are among the next 100 to jump on this offer, you'll get another incredible bonus from Mr. X that's truly worth 10 TIMES the investment in this training...
While he won't be able to setup actual campaigns for 150 people, what he is willing to do for this group is review one of your AdWords campaigns.
You'll need to create a user account inside of AdWords (and don't worry, we'll show you how to do this) so he can access your account, and if you tell him the one you want reviewed he'll go in and tell you:
* What's broken...
* How you can fix it, and...
* What you can do to take this campaign to the next level.
This is going to sound bold, but I'm predicting that Mr. X is going to make at least one person in this group at least $1 Million based on the suggestions he gives them.
I obviously can't guarantee that you'll be that person, but if you're one of the first 150 to signup you'll at least get the opportunity to find out
If you would like to get a 10-minute head-start over everyone else, you can join the "early bird" notification list below.
IMPORTANT: As with the first Fast-Mover Bonus, you have a full 12 months to take Mr. X up on this offer. So, if you're brand-new and you still don't have a product, don't worry about. You can always wait and use it when you're ready.
Now that you have a good grasp of everything that comes with the "Wholesale Traffic System", you're probably wondering how you can get started...
But Here's the Bad News...
There's a very good chance the "Wholesale Traffic System" is not right for you...
For starters, it won't be cheap. Here's why:
1. Mr. X has spent the better part of this decade researching and developing the traffic generation and business-building systems he'll be sharing with you, so he's not about to just give them away. And I don't know about you, but I firmly believe a man (or woman) should be compensated for their hard work.
If you don't...if you have an entitlement mentality and think you should get everything for free, you're not the kind of person we want in this group.
2. I also want to discourage "opportunity seekers" and other product junkies from joining because I know they'll add nothing to the group and only create more headaches for Mr. X and me.
So if you're the type of person who is still looking for the "holy grail" of online marketing...that one "magical secret" that when used will cause money to literally shoot out of your computer, please look elsewhere.
You won't like this, and we probably won't like you.
3. Finally, I want you to value the systems you'll be learning. Yes, Mr. X could give them away and hope to "spread the word" that way, but I know a large portion of the group wouldn't actually use them and the entire reason we're doing this would fall apart!
Prior to publishing the "Self-Liquidating Offers" report, I asked some marketing buddies of mine to tell me how and for what price I should sell this training if I was able to convince Mr. X to release it to the public.
The general consensus was that I should do a truly limited, one-time event and price it at $10,000. (Mr. X made it clear from the beginning that if he did teach this it would only be to a small group of people.)
I liked the idea of a high-priced event, but with a new baby in the house I knew this wasn't something I wanted to try to do for lifestyle reasons. (That's a nice way of saying my wife would kill me if I spent every day planning a live event instead of helping her with the baby.) :o)
So while the event was pretty much a no-go, I must admit that I liked the $10,000 price-tag. Not only because it accomplished the three points above, but also because it was in line with the value I knew we would provide.
After all, these exact same systems have been used to build multiple 7 and 8-figure companies, so $10,000 would be nothing for the right people.
But then I got to thinking...
"I Sincerely Want Marketers of All Levels
To Have Access To This 'Missing Link'..."
At the $10,000 price-point, only the most elite marketers would be able to afford this training and I sincerely wanted marketers of all levels to be helped. Again, I remember what it's like...
* I remember what it was like to be brand-new and not even know where to begin...
* I remember what it was like to break out into cold sweats when spending just a few hundred dollars on traffic, because I didn't know if it would come back to me or not...
* I remember what it was like to spend MONTHS creating a product and WEEKS writing the salesletter, only to wonder how on earth I'd actually get people to the site...
I remember all this, and I genuinely want better for you.
So here's what we ultimately decided...
To keep these systems within the reach of all serious online entrepreneurs and business owners, we are going to keep your required investment at only $1997. (And yes, to make it even easier we're also offering a split-pay option.)
If $1997 still seems too high (especially with the 3-pay option), then I'm sorry but you've disqualified yourself.
Either you just don't believe me when I say this works (in which case you're only going to try to prove yourself right once the training actually begins), or funds are so tight that frankly you shouldn't be attempting to do this or any other business.
This ISN'T "Get rich quick..."
This ISN'T "Do nothing and make money from home in your underwear..."
These are real business SYSTEMS that actually work, and therefore the training is priced accordingly.
In the end, there are those people who are willing to invest in themselves because they know, deep down inside, that they're going to do more with their lives...and there are those who are just "playing business".
Now is when you need to decide which group you fall into...
More Bad News...
Ok, so admittedly the first bit of "bad news" wasn't really bad news at all. In fact, if you actually use the traffic systems they should pay for your investment in no time.
This 2nd piece of bad news, however, could legitimately keep you out of the group (even if you're willing to make the required investment)...
I'm severely limiting the total number of people who will get access to these systems.
For one, if the group gets too big it will become impossible to manage and Mr. X and I will wind up neglecting our own businesses.
Also, part of the agreement I made with Mr. X is that these materials wouldn't be made available to the general public. Initially he didn't specific a number, but when we were planning to hold it as a $10,000 event, the plan was to limit it to 50, and then if that event went well we would consider doing another event (also limited to 50).
But again, I knew there would be a A LOT more than 100 people who wanted access to this training, so I went back to Mr. X and got him to agree to make it available to 500 people.
Now please understand: This is not one of those lame "We've only printed 500 copies and we're not printing anymore..." kind of things. This is a legitimate licensing deal in which I am limited to selling only 500 copies. And my accounts will be audited, so you better believe I'm not gonna go over.
In other words, if you want in, I suggest you make a move sooner rather than later, because there is a very real possibility that you could be left out.
The World's Simplest Guarantee
In case you're wondering, yes, this program is guaranteed...
There's no question that the "Wholesale Traffic System" works, so I'm not going to bother with any conditional guarantees that force you to prove you implemented something to get a refund.
The fact is, if you just do something - even if it's just half of what we tell you to do - you WILL BE's as simple as that.
It's also not a question of whether or not this will be "right" for your business. With some products and services that may be the case, but this particular system is absolutely right for any and every online business.
I don't care if you're just getting started and you don't even know what you want to do, or if you're already running a multi-million dollar online business...
After all, what business wouldn't want more traffic, or at the very least to cut their traffic costs in half?
So since I know it's not really a question of if it will work or if it will work for YOU (I know the answer is YES on both accounts), I'm not going to bother complicating the issue. So here's the world's simplest, no B.S. guarantee:
Our Guarantee (and it's a good one...)
Take a full 90 days to check out the "Wholesale Traffic System", and if you don't like it for any reason (even if it's because you find my voice obnoxious) let us know and we'll give you your money questions asked.
Is that fair?
And the truth is, it's not like we're counting down those 90 days. Heck, I'd make it full year but my merchant account wants to limit their exposure to only 90 days. But if worse comes to worse and you just want your money back, even if it's beyond the 90 day period, I promise you'll get it if I have to cut you the check out of my personal account.
That's how confident I am in this training!
But there is a catch...
Here's What's Expected of You...
If I'm gonna go out on a limb with what amounts to a lifetime guarantee on a premium priced program in which we're personally investing hundreds of hours of our own time...I want you to make sure you're serious about this.
Again, if you want your money back you'll get questions asked.
But what I don't want you to do is to come into this program wishy-washy demanding the moon and the stars and then a refund if you don't get a million dollars just handed to you with whip cream and a cherry on top.
Sorry, but that isn't how this works...
Not only is that unfair to me and Mr. X, it's also unfair to the person whose spot you took. Remember, this program is limited to just 500 people, so if you take a spot and then drop out knowing you were never truly committed in the first place, that's on you.
I hate to be so harsh, but this is serious stuff and it deserves your careful attention.
Fortunately, if you've made it this far I really don't think it's going to be an issue. After all, why would you have read this entire letter and investigated this training if you weren't truly committed?
So now that we're all on the same page, I want to invite you to become a part of the "Wholesale Traffic System" and I look forward to welcoming you into the club of people who "get it".
If you want in, simply click on the "Signup" button below to get started...
Wholesale Traffic System Priority Registration Form
Pay In Full Today and Save $244!
Take the Three-Pay Option
Act Fast, the Signup Button Is Now LIVE!
NOTICE: The Wholesale Traffic System is limited to 500 members only!
All the best,
P.S. I've said it once and I'll say it again...
Once you know how to get traffic, you'll never be poor again. If no one sees your offer, it doesn't matter if you have the best product and the best salesletter in the world. Your sales (and income) will still be a very big round number ... 0.
On the other hand, I can have a good product with a so-so salesletter and bad follow-up marketing, and given enough traffic I'll still make a lot of money.
And when you combine all three: Great Product, Great Marketing, and Consistent, Targeted Traffic...that's when you start making life-changing income!
You see, there's really nothing magical about making money online...most people are missing just one crucial element of the puzzle: Traffic.
I'm offering to hand you that "missing element" on a silver platter. All you need to do is TAKE IT!
P.P.S. By the way, if you're spending more than $1000 a month in AdWords alone, this is an absolute no-brainer for you. The strategies you'll learn in the first 4 discs of the "Fast-Start Program" alone will pay for this training in a month or two just off of the
And that's not including the extra sales!
CLICK HERE to register now...
Earnings Disclaimer: Do not invest in this training if you think it will automatically make you money just because you bought it. You have to work to succeed in anything (and especially business) and I'm neither going to hide or apologize for that. The results I've shown here and in the related reports aren't typical.
No testimonials or outside case studies have been given because, frankly, this system has never been taught to the public before. All we have to go off of are the results of Mr. X. If that's enough for you, we invite you to come along. If it isn't...please don't make the investment.
In the end, you may not make any money at all. It's possible you might even lose money. Know that before you going in, because if you're looking for the silver bullet, I'm sorry but this ain't it.
Fact: Mr. X has spent over $7.3 MILLION with Google AdWords alone!
Think he can teach you a thing or two about buying traffic at dirt-cheap prices?
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Saturday, May 3, 2008
Community Bible Study International!
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Welcome to Community Bible Study International!
Click here for a Message from our Ministry Directors
CBS International is truly a Bible Study for all people. We continue to see God's hand moving in hearts and lives as they devote themselves to studying His Word. Our teachers and leaders around the world are dedicated to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and help equip them and build up the body of Christ.
Camilla L. Seabolt
Executive Director
Community Bible Study
Exciting Days Ahead
It is with great pleasure that Community Bible Study announces the joining of CBS and CBS International into one ministry, dedicated to bringing the study of God’s Word to people all around the world.
Since 1992, Community Bible Study has supported CBS International by providing office space, giving access to all the CBS Bible study materials, providing Teaching Helps for International TDs, encouraging access to CBS classes for CBSI Days, Country Link, etc. for fundraising, and giving special grants from the CBS Board of Trustees to demonstrate our total support of CBSI. In the last few years, after much prayer and seeking the Lord for His perfect will, the CBS Board of Trustees along with the CBSI Board of Directors agreed to reunite both ministries under the Community Bible Study umbrella, beginning January 1, 2008. The synergy of the rejoined ministries will be such a blessing to both CBS and CBSI.
We celebrated the full reunion of these ministries at the Teaching Director’s Conference in Jacksonville, Florida in January. We are looking forward to the unfolding of God’s plan as we obey God’s call to go into the entire world together to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will continue to serve Him shoulder to shoulder, for the purpose of getting everyone in the world into His Word. Our Lord is in the life-transforming ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. What joy it will be to serve Him reunited completely with our brothers and sisters in CBSI!
Camilla L. Seabolt
Executive Director
Community Bible Study
Please take this opportunity to view our Newsletter, read through the regional pages of this worldwide ministry and use our Prayer Calendar focusing on those around the world sharing and teaching His Word.
Thank you.
CBS International is proud to be a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA’s Standards of Responsible Stewardship focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fund-raising, and proper use of charity resources.
Mission Statement
The mission of Community Bible Study is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.
New Calebs Trained
Caleb volunteers introduce CBSI in countries around the globe. They identify and train leaders and establish and strengthen CBSI classes. Our visionis to develop a national CBSI ministry in each country, led by trained local leaders. To aid in this ministry, ten new Calebs were recently commissioned following a 3 day Caleb training conference conducted by CBSI Director and Associate Director, Frank and Marian Vroegop. They are assigned to take the study of God's Word to the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Romania, and Thailand.
These are exciting times as the Lord continues to open new doors for
About Us
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Welcome to Community Bible Study International!
Click here for a Message from our Ministry Directors
CBS International is truly a Bible Study for all people. We continue to see God's hand moving in hearts and lives as they devote themselves to studying His Word. Our teachers and leaders around the world are dedicated to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and help equip them and build up the body of Christ.
Camilla L. Seabolt
Executive Director
Community Bible Study
Exciting Days Ahead
It is with great pleasure that Community Bible Study announces the joining of CBS and CBS International into one ministry, dedicated to bringing the study of God’s Word to people all around the world.
Since 1992, Community Bible Study has supported CBS International by providing office space, giving access to all the CBS Bible study materials, providing Teaching Helps for International TDs, encouraging access to CBS classes for CBSI Days, Country Link, etc. for fundraising, and giving special grants from the CBS Board of Trustees to demonstrate our total support of CBSI. In the last few years, after much prayer and seeking the Lord for His perfect will, the CBS Board of Trustees along with the CBSI Board of Directors agreed to reunite both ministries under the Community Bible Study umbrella, beginning January 1, 2008. The synergy of the rejoined ministries will be such a blessing to both CBS and CBSI.
We celebrated the full reunion of these ministries at the Teaching Director’s Conference in Jacksonville, Florida in January. We are looking forward to the unfolding of God’s plan as we obey God’s call to go into the entire world together to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will continue to serve Him shoulder to shoulder, for the purpose of getting everyone in the world into His Word. Our Lord is in the life-transforming ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. What joy it will be to serve Him reunited completely with our brothers and sisters in CBSI!
Camilla L. Seabolt
Executive Director
Community Bible Study
Please take this opportunity to view our Newsletter, read through the regional pages of this worldwide ministry and use our Prayer Calendar focusing on those around the world sharing and teaching His Word.
Thank you.
CBS International is proud to be a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA’s Standards of Responsible Stewardship focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fund-raising, and proper use of charity resources.
Mission Statement
The mission of Community Bible Study is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.
New Calebs Trained
Caleb volunteers introduce CBSI in countries around the globe. They identify and train leaders and establish and strengthen CBSI classes. Our visionis to develop a national CBSI ministry in each country, led by trained local leaders. To aid in this ministry, ten new Calebs were recently commissioned following a 3 day Caleb training conference conducted by CBSI Director and Associate Director, Frank and Marian Vroegop. They are assigned to take the study of God's Word to the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Romania, and Thailand.
These are exciting times as the Lord continues to open new doors for
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